The Raptor Killer

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From Awesomedude75
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The Raptor Killer

The Raptor Killer is a creature which goal is to kill every single evil Raptor. He has a very big hate on King Guido, as he is an evil Raptor. The Raptor Killer is also named The Genodice of The Raptors which means he will end every single evil raptor's life. The Raptor Killer has many looks ,but his original is the skin of a satanic Weegee clone. His power level is as high as 18,789,000 or even more. He's known to be more powerful than Saimonth, and that he couldn't be killed, only he could be vanished, but he could return. He's peaceful to good raptors and other creatures, but hostile to creatures like King Guido. More info will be added soon.....