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From Awesomedude75
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Tik-TokGee is a powerful gee that has control over time, and that wants to rule the multiverse and is an enemy of Chroneegee. He has the power to manipulate time as he wants and once obstructed the Trolliverse, but thanks to Chroneegee the time resetted and everything was fixed. After that, Pureegee vanished Tik-TokGee, atleast for now. He is known to be as powerful as Chroneegee and weaker than Pureegee. His region of time-related terror is not over yet.....

Tik-TokGee himself

Powers[edit | edit source]

Time Freeze-He can freeze time for a while.

Time Travel-He can time travel.

Rebobination - He can make whatever you do start repeating.

Time Skip-He can skip 30 mins or less or more in to the future,but he will need 30 seconds of cooldown.

Any other time-related powers

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • Even being as powerful as Chroneegee, hes considered a minor weegee god.
  • He once destroyed the Trolliverse, and he was vanished and the trolliverse was fixed.